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SEND & Inclusion


Mrs Jaclyn Endicott

For all SEN related matters, please contact Mrs. G McHugh by email

KCC SEND Strategy


Year 6 Transition:

We work with the Transitions Team to ensure that Year 6s have a smooth transition from year 6 – 7. We work closely with all Primary school SENCos to ensure that all information is transferred. We meet with all parents and ensure that we can meet the SEN need of the child.

Summer School:

To help with transition to secondary school we run an annual summer school for new year 7 students to help those who have additional needs to transition well into the academy. This take place towards the end of the Summer and consists of many activities that encourage team building, social skills and familiarization with the building.

Pen Pictures:

A Pen Picture is the student’s profile of need. It will lay out the difficulties that a student has with learning and provide strategies for teachers to ensure they can meet the students need within the classroom. These are circulated to all teachers in September and sent home to parents in year 7. These are updated annually or as and when required.

Ability Testing:

On entry to the Academy all year 6/7s will be tested in Reading, Spelling and Maths. This is to ensure we provide the correct provision to those who need it. If additional help is required they will be entered into our catch up programmes.

Key Stage 3 Literacy Catch Up:

Tier 1: is a literacy lesson per week in a small intervention group with a Teacher of SEN. This concentrates on basic literacy skills and includes reading, spelling and comprehension. As part of this group all pupils will be screened for Dyslexia. Parents are informed of the outcome of this and relevant classroom support initiated.

Tier 2: is individualized daily support for those who need intensive support in literacy. This will consist of 1:1 intervention to help improve reading, spelling and writing.

Pupils are regularly assessed and when sufficient progress has been made they will return to mainstream lessons.

Key Stage 3 Numeracy Catch up:

Pupils will be selected for this programme if they are of a lower ability in Maths. Pupils will have 1 hour per week with a specialist numeracy SEN teacher. This will cover all basic numeracy skills to ensure they can access the main Maths curriculum.


We have a bank of iPads that are for pupils with additional needs. Pupils are assessed during school lessons to see if they would benefit from the use of an iPad due to a high level of SEN need and then issued if it is felt it will benefit the student.

Reader Pens:

We have a bank of Reader Pens that are a useful tool to students who have literacy needs. Pupils are assessed to see if they would benefit from the use of an E Reader Pen and issued with them accordingly.

Teaching Assistants:

We are able to have a TA per year group. TAs work closely with the SEN students to ensure they are able to access the curriculum.

Homework Club:

This is run Monday – Thursday 3pm – 4pm. Teaching Assistants run this in their year groups.

Learning Support Centre:

A learning environment for students who require small group intervention support.

Access Arrangements:

In year 10, those with additional needs will be assessed for their eligibility of extra time in exams.