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Pre-Loved Uniform Shop

Cornwallis Pre-Loved Shop is our sustainable uniform service, offering an extensive range of high quality, pre-owned uniform at no more than 25% of the original purchase price. All the proceeds raised from the uniform sales are donated to the School.

Mrs Breeze and Mrs Cooper are the shop coordinators and can be contacted on: prelovedshop@cornwallisacademy.com

The success of the shop will rely on your donations of outgrown clothing. Please hand items in to the School Office at any time between 8am and 4pm. 

Thank you for your support! 

The School Office also helps with the management of lost property. There is a regular routine to reunite named items with their owners and pupils can always access the lost property cupboard. Parents are strongly encouraged to name all belongings, especially high value items.

Visit our Pre-Loved Uniform Shop